Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Hello World!

The first blog.  It is always difficult to start with a blank sheet.  So here goes... Hello!   Welcome to my blog; my first one!   

I have been reading other people’s blogs for over 2 years and have never been brave enough to start my own, but then decided to bite the bullet.  Why not I thought, you never know I might get at least one follower. 
I am usually a voyeur of crochet blogs as I love to crochet and absolutely love seeing other blogger's crochet creations.  

I will probably no doubt end up blogging about crochet, chocolate (any brand, any size just let me eat it!), diets (due to too much chocolate), fitness stuff (again needs to be done due to chocolate) and my beautiful 4 year old daughter Em, who I adore! 

It is just the two of us now so am journeying into single parenthood which is not as scary as I first thought it would be.       Come join me on my journey...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue! Welcome to Blog Land! I'm Maureen. I got your blog address by visiting Tillie Tulip. I adore her daisy blankets, don't you? I'm a sporadic blogger -sometimes daily for months at a time, then nothing for a month. Looking forward to reading about your daughter, your crochet, and -vicariously- your chocolate eating!
